Sunday, November 15, 2015

Clash For Dawn - Orange-Classed Mercenaries

You may know that Orange-Classed Mercenaries are the best in class, clearly because that's the way the game goes: with white objects being the weakest, followed by green, blue, purple and orange objects being the strongest. They can also be distinguished by a golden crown on the top right of their profile.

But just how much stronger is an Orange SS compared to a Purple S classed mercenary? Let us just compare Mandar and Sande - both Ice-Mages, of the same level and approximately similar items.

Just looking at these two mercenaries of the same level (even with Sande having one more item than Mandar), you'll notice that Mandar's stats are significantly higher.

Orange mercenaries also give higher scores - which puts you at a higher rank (if you're into that sort of thing) on the leaderboards. Without further ado, let's get acquainted with the 8 Orange-SS Classed Mercenaries.

List of Orange-SS Classed Mercenaries

1. Park the Viper (Sharpshooter)
Grade: SS
Type: Physical Damage
Pact: Viper
Skills: Dart (Fire 3 dense wave of crossbow bolts, dealing huge damage to enemies nearby; second casting has chance to daze enemies), Poisonous Arrow (Fire a poisonous bolt at the enemy dealing poison damage over time)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Rivals: Fight together with Sodrun the Slayer, Physical Damage increases by 10%
3. Old Enemies: Fight together with Hellfire Baron, Magical Armor increases by 5%
4. Critical Desire: Critical Hit Rating increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Viper Rune: Equip EX Battlewill Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Physical Damage.

2. Bran the Hunter (Ranger)
Grade: SS
Type: Physical Damage
Skills: Mighty Snipe (Fire 2 mighty shots, dealing damage and beating back enemies; third casting also beats enemies back), Scatter (Fire several waves of arrows, deal damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Ex-lovers: Fight together with Mandar the Cold, Physical Damage increases by 10%
3. Mentor: Fight together with Holylight Ross, Max HP increases by 5%
4. Endless Battle: Physical Damage increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Magic Hunting Rune: Equip EX Fatality Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Physical Damage.

3. Sodrun the Slayer
Grade: SS
Type: Physical Damage
Skills: Killing Pound (Charge forward dealing damage; grants Super Armor; grants Broken Armor), Ground Shatter (Fire 3 seismic waves; third casting has chance to stun enemies)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Gang members: Fight together with Fran the Lightheart, Physical Damage increases by 10%
3. Suitor: Fight together with Ranger Nina, Max HP increases by 5%
4. Endless Battle Desire: Physical Damage increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Slashing Rune: Equip EX Battlewill Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Physical Damage.

4. Shcer the Guardian (Guardian)
Grade: SS
Type: Physical Damage
Skills: Thunderclap (Jump and land to deal damage to the enemy; beats down PVE enemies; reduces enemies' attack damage), Death Grip (Grab enemies nearby and deal damage to them - the longer the distance the more damage; also has a chance to daze enemies)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Ex-comrades: Fight together with Sara the Just, Physical Damage increases by 10%
3. Betrothed: Fight together with Phantom Roline, Physical Armor increases by 5%
4. Iron Bastions: Physical Armor improves by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Holy Shield Rune: Equip EX Fortification Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Physical Damage.

5. Sara the Just (Judge)
Grade: SS
Type: Magical Damage
Skills: Wings of Conviction (Draw enemies nearby to you and deal heavy damage on them; also grants Darkflame, third casting also beats enemies back), Cage (Conjure a magical cage, dazing and dealing damage to enemies caught inside; also dazes enemies)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Friends: Fight together with Park the Viper, Magical Damage increases by 10%
3. Ex-comrade: Fight together with Holylight Ross, Magical Armor increases by 5%
4. Magical Affinity: Magical Damage increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Judgement Rune: Equip EX Demonheart Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Magical Armor.

6. Fran the Lightheart (Shaman)
Grade: SS
Type: Magical Damage
Skills: Heal (Pray for a holy blessing to heal all teammates nearby), Colossus (Summon a Colossus to heal nearby allies and inflict damage on enemies)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Gang members: Fight together with Sodrun the Slayer, Magical Damage increases by 10%
3. Gang members: Fight together with Undead Niven, Physical Armor increases by 5%
4. Healer's Kindness: Healing effect increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Holy Domain Rune: Equip EX Curing Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Healing Effect.

7. Lenna the Flame (Fire-Mage)
Grade: SS
Type: Magical Damage
Pact: Felflame
Skills: Meteorite Impact (Conjures a meteor shower, dealing enormous damage; third casting knocks enemies down in PVE), Firestorm (Conjures a rain of fire and does heavy damage to enemies nearby)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Sisters: Fight together with Mandar the Cold, Magical Damage increases by 10%
3. Childhood rival: Fight together with Blizzard Sande, Max HP increases by 5%
4. Magical Affinity: Magical Damage increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Red Flame Rune: Equip EX Berserk Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Magical Damage.

8. Mandar the Cold (Ice-Mage)
Grade: SS
Type: Magical Damage
Skills: Ice Gland (Conjure a wave of frost to deal heavy damage to enemies; first casting has a chance to freeze; third casting beats back enemies), Blizzard (Conjures a blizzard, dealing damage to enemies over time)

Mercenary Oaths: 
1. King of Mercenaries: When evolved to Golden, Magical Damage of all Mercenaries in the battle squad increases by 10%
2. Sisters: Fight together with Lenna the Flame, Magical Damage increases by 10%
3. Childhood friend: Fight together with Lionheart Itha, Max HP increases by 5%
4. Magical Affinity: Magical Damage increases by 7%
5. Perfect Armed: When a Mercenary is evolved to +9, his Max HP increases by 10%
6. Ice Emperor Rune: Equip EX Demonheart Rune above Lv.7 will increase 12% Max HP.

Have some nagging questions? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Clash For Dawn - Gems And Their Uses

There is no hard and fast rule on how to use your gems. Some people spend it all on rolling for mercenaries. Some people like to spend it on cash conversion. Some simply hoard all their gems.

You can decide on what are the best uses for your gems, depending on your game objectives. Here are some of the things you can use your gems for.

This article will cover the following:
1. Gems for Cash
2. Gems for Mercenaries
3. Gems for Skill Stones (+ How Magic Stone Pieces Work)
4. Gems for Energy
5. Miscellaneous Uses

1. To Get Cash

If you're below level 70, chances are that you will find yourself short of cash. This is common as the amount of cash you get from dungeons, raids and other activities can't keep up with the amount you require to enhance your weapons or level-up your skills.

There are two ways you can get cash from gems. One is to use the cash converter (by clicking the plus sign next your gold) and the other way is to buy sacks of gold from the shop.

Let's do some math.

Exchange (5 times each, resets everyday)
20 Gems for 52,000 Gold | 1 Gem = 2600 Gold 
30 Gems for 68,000 Gold | 1 Gem = 2266.7 Gold
40 Gems for 84,000 Gold | 1 Gem = 2100 Gold
50 Gems for 100,000 Gold | 1 Gem = 2000 Gold 

25 Gems for 50,000 (Coins Pack; Material Shop, Unlimited Stock) | 1 Gem = 2000 Gold
80 Gems for 300,000 (Greater Coins Pack; Sale Shop; Stock: 20) | 1 Gem = 3750 Gold 

So at a glance, Greater Coins Pack appears to be the best choice, followed by the Exchange.

However, the good thing about the Exchange is that there is the occasional 'lucky strike' which gives you 2x - 10x more Gold. This happens quite frequently.

In addition, for certain levels, you'll also get a Daily Quest which asks you to use the Exchange twice.

So now that you know your options - you can make a better decision.

2. To Get Mercenaries 

Exchanging Gems for mercenaries is also pretty common - especially with the release of Orange SS-Classed Mercenaries. You can do this at the Mercenary Tavern (click Hub > Mercenary > 4th Tab).

For 100 gems (Gem) - you can get a random mercenary, with no guarantee of any class types
For 950 gems (10 Multi-Draw) - you can get 10 random mercenaries, with a guarantee of at least one Purple Classed Mercenary

I have drawn both a Purple S-Classed Mercenary along with an Orange SS-Classed Mercenary before on the 10 Multi-Draw. Guess it was my lucky day.

So if you ask me which is more worth it, clearly the 10-Multi Draw is, since the other classes are not very useful (except for earning Command and for Inheriting). They even have a permanent 5% off (950 instead of 1000 gems for 10 mercenaries)!

The Shop is another place where you can get mercenaries, though these are usually fragments. (20 fragments can be crafted into 1 pact = allows you to hire 1 mercenary.)

Purple S-Classed Mercenaries usually cost 50 gems per fragment (i.e. 1000 gems = 1 pact).
Orange SS-Classed Mercenaries cost 225 gems per fragment (i.e. 4500 gems = 1 pact).

They are seasonal though, so even though Park the Viper is on sale now, he may not be available a week later. Grab them while they last!!

3. To Get Skill Stones

If you are not already aware, embedding all your equipment slots with level 3 Skill Stones and above gives you a range of bonuses that should be capitalised on. And given that Skill Stones are in short supply - you can only farm 4 evil dungeons per day where they drop, and occasionally get them from the draw at the end of each dungeon - Gems are sometimes used to exchange for Skill Stones in the Shop.

Which means it's time for more math.

Sale Shop
190 Gems for Lv.3 Skill Stone (Stock: 64)

Material Shop
14 Gems for 1 Magic Stone Piece
68 Gems for Lv.2 Skill Stone
1080 Gems for 20 Lv.2 Skill Stones (Chests)

Since 4 Lv.2 Skill Stones = 1 Lv.3 Skill Stone, the Sale Shop option is clearly the best choice. Even if you purchase the Chest set, it will amount to 216 Gems for a Lv.3 Skill Stone (1080 / 20 x 4).

Side Topic: On Magic Stone Pieces

In case you are not aware, or wondering what Magic Stone Pieces are, they are derived from Fusing Skill Stones, and here's the exchange rate:

Lv.1 Skill Stone: 1 Magic Stone Piece
Lv.2 Skill Stone: 4 Magic Stone Pieces
Lv.3 Skill Stone: 16 Magic Stone Pieces
Lv.4 Skill Stone: 64 Magic Stone Pieces
Lv.5 Skill Stone: 256 Magic Stone Pieces

Which basically means you can fuse your Skill Stones at any time and make 0 losses. So for example, you need a Lv.4 Emerald but you only have an extra Lv.4 Sapphire and Lv.4 Moonstone. Simply fuse either one and exchange it with the Skill Stone Merchant which takes in 64 Magic Stone Pieces and gives you a Lv.4 Skill Stone of your choice in return.

Alternatively, you can also fuse 4 Lv.3 Skill Stones to get one Lv.4 Skill Stone of your choice. The only downside is that this only works for Skill Stones at Lv.4 and above.

4. To Get Energy

Gems can also be used to purchase Energy. This is for all you hard-core levellers who can't get enough of the game. 50 Gems restore 100 Energy. I've never used this more than 2 times so I don't know if the number of Gems increase - if it does can someone tell me and I will update this. :)

5. To Get Miscellaneous Things

Gems can also be used to purchase all sorts of things - from Enhancing Scrolls, to Badges of Prestige. Browse the store to find out more!

Have more questions, or comments on how we can improve this article? Please do share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!